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I percorsi di qualifica

Quality Management in Fertility Center - International Edition

Quality Management in Fertility Center - International Edition


In an increasingly complex health care world characterized by the need to meet both international and national quality standards, the Fertilization Center is being asked to implement a Quality System internally.

ICMED S.r.l. an international company that deals with training and consulting in IVF centers, thanks to the established and international experience of Dr. Vincenzo Iaconianni, an expert in this field, has designed a training course aimed at illustrating the importance of Quality Management in healthcare.

Training Objective

National and international regulations require the medically assisted procreation center to comply with several documentary and procedural requirements.

This training aims to provide the orangizational knowledge needed to implement the quality system in a PMA Center.

How the Educational Training is structured

The topics covered in the training are as follows:

  • Why quality in an IVF center
  • The quality requirements of the regulations in PMA.
  • The basics of a quality system in a PMA center
  • The qualification path of the quality manager

Event Information

Event Date 28-06-2024 14:00
Event End Date 28-06-2024 16:00
Cut Off Date 28-06-2024 12:00
Individual Price Free of Charge
Location Webinar - Online
Categories Percorsi di qualifica, PMA - Centri di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita
Attachment M_FORM_03 IVF_INDIA_20024_f.pdf

ICMED è il leader internazionale nella consulenza e formazione in ambito organizzazione e qualità